Thursday, May 9, 2019

Ebook Gratuit Landfall, by Ellen Urbani

Ebook Gratuit Landfall, by Ellen Urbani

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Landfall, by Ellen Urbani

Landfall, by Ellen Urbani

Landfall, by Ellen Urbani

Ebook Gratuit Landfall, by Ellen Urbani

Découvrez l'astuce pour être une personne efficace qui met toujours à jour les informations ainsi que son expertise. En faisant cela peut être divulgué que par la collecte des mises à jour flambant neuf de nombreuses sources. Landfall, By Ellen Urbani devient l'une des sélections que vous pourriez prendre. Pourquoi devrait être ce livre? Ce livre est de proposer en raison de son pouvoir de stimuler l'information et des ressources toujours mis à jour. Un aussi qui fera cette publication comme référence est cette tendance à être de libérer le dernier livre.

Lors de la lecture du titre, vous pouvez voir comment l'auteur est très fiable en utilisant les mots pour créer des phrases. Il sera également les moyens comment l'auteur crée la diction d'influencer beaucoup de gens. Mais, ce n'est pas un non-sens, il est quelque chose. Quelque chose qui vous mènera pense être mieux. Quelque chose qui fera de votre sensation afin de mieux. Et quelque chose qui va vous donner de nouvelles choses. C'est-il, le Landfall, By Ellen Urbani

Pour surmonter vos problèmes quotidiens, liés à l'emploi, ce livre peut être lu par la page pages. Bien sûr, quand vous avez pas d'emplois de la date limite, vous aurez également besoin de ce offert par ce livre. Pourquoi? Il sert quelque chose d'intéressant à apprendre. Lorsque vous aimez vraiment à lire, à lire quelque chose, ce que vous pouvez profiter est le sujet que vous savez vraiment et comprendre. Et ici, Landfall, By Ellen Urbani concerneront avec ce que vous avez vraiment besoin maintenant et vous avez réellement besoin pour votre avenir.

Eh bien, la lecture de ce livre n'est pas genre de chose difficile. Vous ne pouvez mettre de côté le temps pour seulement quelques-uns loin. Lorsque vous attendez la liste, en attendant que quelqu'un, ou quand gongs au lit, vous pouvez prendre ce livre à lire. Ne vous inquiétez pas, vous pouvez l'enregistrer dans le dispositif informatique ou l'enregistrer dans votre gadget. Donc, il ne sera pas vous faire sentir difficile de mettre partout le livre. Parce que, le Landfall, By Ellen Urbani que nous avons fourni dans ce site sont les formes de fichiers souples.

Landfall, by Ellen Urbani

Détails sur le produit

Broché: 300 pages

Editeur : Forest Avenue Press (11 août 2015)

Langue : Anglais

ISBN-10: 9780988265776

ISBN-13: 978-0988265776

ASIN: 098826577X

Dimensions du produit:

15,2 x 1,5 x 22,6 cm

Moyenne des commentaires client :

2.9 étoiles sur 5

2 commentaires client

Classement des meilleures ventes d'Amazon:

318.749 en Livres (Voir les 100 premiers en Livres)

Un roman extraordinaire, magnifiquement écrit. Un coup de poing dans le ventre à chaque chapitre. Que d'émotions. Je n'avais pas lu un aussi bon livre depuis longtemps. Merci Ellen Urbani.

pour commencé j'ai trouvé ce livre mal écrit.... ou peut être mal traduit... je ne sais pas..... la "promesse" de l'énigme m'avait attirée mais dès les premiers chapitres on devine la chute et on perce l'énigme..... j'ai rarement vu autant d'horreur "gratuite"..... comment peut on imaginer qu'il puisse arriver autant d'horreurs à une seule et même personne.... au cours d'une si courte vie..... et tout ça pour ça..... !!!! j'ai quand même tenu à aller au bout de ce livre..... mais vraiment parce que je n'aime pas renoncer....

Landfall is a truly remarkable book. At first blush, I expected yet another heart wrenching story about Katrina, the hurricane that outdid all hurricanes, but this story is much, much more. Cilla, her daughter Rosebud (Rosy), Gertrude and her daughter Rose narrate the story from worlds apart, though living in relatively close proximity.Gertrude and Rose live in Tuscaloosa, AL, where Bama football is king. For reasons not understood by Rose, Gertrude constantly moves them from one apartment to another, leaving Rose untethered. All she knows is that her father is dead. The only friend she has is her mother.Cilla and Rosy are poor African Americans who live in the now infamous Ninth Ward in New Orleans. Ignoring the dire hurricane warnings, Cilla and her friend Maya insist on riding out the storm with Rosy. Despite having watched day after day of storm coverage on television, I lived through Katrina in the pages of this book. Watching the storm surge destroying the levees was almost surreal, much like watching the Twin Towers fall on September 11th, but putting names and faces to the horrific events made them real. The sheer terror as the rising water forced Cilla, Maya and Rosy to the attic, the dire necessity of having to get outside to the roof, the view of floating debris and bodies is so vividly described that I found myself shaking. Would I have the wherewithal and will to survive against all odds, I wondered.Landfall is a stinging indictment against the incompetence of government agencies on all levels. How could so many people gotten everything so wrong? Ray Nagin, the mayor from hell, is now where he belongs, living as a federal inmate, and others have been prosecuted. The most heartbreaking incident I read was the police blockade on the bridge out of New Orleans.Katrina is a powerful backdrop to the story of Rose and Rosy. They become inexorably joined after Gertrude has an automobile accident, killing herself and Rosy, a pedestrian in the wrong place at the wrong time. Rose becomes obsessed with notifying Rosy's relatives of her death. Rosy carried very little with her, but Rose refuses to give up. In her search for Rosy's kin, she finds herself. In the midst of unspeakable tragedy, I found the story of Rose and Rosy to be beautiful.I loved the characters in the book. Bits of humor (Connie [sic] West) had me laughing, and the commonly heard Southern phrase, "Bless Her Heart", always makes me smile. The dialogue is impeccable, without being demeaning. Ellen Urbani perfectly captures the patois of the Deep South. The obsession with the Crimson Tide is also spot on. Hell would freeze over before my relatives in Tuscaloosa would miss a game.Above all, Landfall is a book of hope and the power of the human spirit. Despite all odds, goodness and kindness prevail.

Having read a gazillion or so books in my lifetime, too many of which now adhere to stock formulas for increasing sales and the shiny-object chance of becoming a major motion picture, it usually takes me all of four or five pages to discern a book's plot, how it will unfold, and its inevitable outcome. With Landfall, Ellen Urbani joins the ranks of world-class authors who actually have something refreshing to say and the firsthand experience, intelligence, and wit to make a richly textured gift of it. She moves the reader with flawless grace across cultural boundaries, as someone who has long observed and understood the nature of slights, obscenities, and human kindness. In their realism, her portrayals of the love and conflict between mothers and daughters tugged painfully at my own memories, long buried. Her recounting of good and evil in Hurricane Katrina's aftermath moved me, as did her flowing narrative of two teenage girls asymtotically approaching an ending that caught me by surprise.

There are books where the characters grab you and pull you in. There are books where events are shared so creatively that you live them. There are books that teach you about real events you didn't even realize you didn't understand. There are books where language is so well-used that you yearn to have the author's ability to find just the right tone, vocabulary, and patois. There are books that take you to a new area you now want to visit. But it is rare to find a book that offers all of this. Ellen Urbani introduces you to two unforgettable characters who never meet, but who impact one another's lives dramatically. You love them both for different reasons. This book takes you into Hurricane Katrina and leaves you amid the remains of the destruction. The book grabs your heart and mind with beautifully selected words and phrases. You enter New Orleans and you never completely leave it. The story remains with you as you ponder the personal impact. Ellen Urbani's earlier book WHEN I WAS ELENA is also brilliant. I highly recommend them both. (You will want to have friends read them, as the discussions that ensue are meaningful and endless,)

When I first started this book, I was really bothered by the fact the two girls, close in age and told through their point of views had very similar names. This made it hard to follow and I really had to think about which girl and which storyline I was reading. I understand now why their names were so similar but I felt it would of made it easier for the reader I'd they werent.Aside from them, I really enjoyed the story. I felt connected to the characters and their lives. I wanted better for them both. I felt like I needed to know what happened to Rosy and how she ended up on the side of the road.I was surprised by the turn of events at the end and how closely the two girls were woven together. There is light that comes from such dark times and places.

Loved the book and the narrative. Set against the backdrop of Katrina, the story brings the threads of two seemingly different people together in tragic juxtaposition. The writing is flawless except for the occasional piece of dialog that seems a bit wooden. The characters are expertly drawn and you grow to love both sets of mothers and daughters. Some might say the ending was to predictable but without the deep humanity of the story would not have been illuminated. I found the book very thought provoking and satisfying on every level.

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Landfall, by Ellen Urbani PDF

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